Ron Paul 2008 campaign
December 27, 2007
"...I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
December 27, 2007
December 18, 2007
CCL Press Release
December 18, 2007
State House, Columbia, SC - Sunday, 3-4 PM, January 20, 2008
Reports from last year's January 21, 2007 "Repentance For Bloodguilt" Outdoor Worship Service:
(since January 2003)
Sunday, January 21, 2007, South Steps, SC State House, Columbia, South Carolina
Confession and Forgiveness of Sin
December 18, 2007
State House, Columbia, SC - Sunday, 3-4 PM, January 20, 2008
Reports from last year's January 21, 2007 "Repentance For Bloodguilt" Outdoor Worship Service:
(since January 2003)
Sunday, January 21, 2007, South Steps, SC State House, Columbia, South Carolina
Confession and Forgiveness of Sin
Sunday, January 20, 2008
3:00 - 4:00 PM
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, December 18, 2007
FOR FURTHER INFO: Contact, Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life, ,
(803) 765-0916; PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250
A call to Christian pro-life men, women, young adults, and children to a time of repentance, prayer, praise, worship, and declaration of God’s Word as we:
1) Repent and ask the Lord’s forgiveness for our corporate bloodguiltiness. Bloodguilt is upon us, our city, our state, and all its inhabitants (Jeremiah 26:15), especially the Church (2 Chronicles 7:14), which has failed to love her unborn neighbors as herself, for the over 317,000 unborn children (1973-2005) who have been murdered by surgical abortion alone on South Carolina soil since the wicked and unconstitutional Roe v. Wade supreme Court decision of 1973, and probably several times more that number aborted chemically by birth control that is abortifacient (including BCP's). Their shed innocent blood pollutes the very ground of our city and state (Numbers 35:33), and cries out to God for divine vengeance and recompensation (Genesis 4:10).
2) Beseech the Lord, end completely the sin of shedding innocent blood in the city of Columbia, and in South Carolina, not by our might and power, but by His Spirit, as HE is already doing, having already closed at least four abortion centers in the Columbia area and six other abortion centers in our state (Psalm 24:7-10; Matthew 16:18; Genesis 22:17).
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SC State House, south steps
(facing Pendleton St., between Sumter and Assembly Streets)
“If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
“So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.”
Numbers 35:33
"Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils,
And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and daughters,…
and the land was polluted with blood.
Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.
Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against His people,
insomuch that He abhorred His own inheritance.
And He gave them into the hand of the heathen;
and they that hated them rules over them.
Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.
Many times did He deliver them; but they provoked Him with their counsel,
and were brought low for their iniquity.
Nevertheless He regarded their affliction, when He heard their cry:"
Psalm 106:37-44
“... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18
- ### -
If child-murder-by-abortion were to end today in America, there would still remain the need to REPENT for all the innocent blood which has been already shed.
Bloodshed following bloodshed (e.g., gang, domestic, and school violence), foreign invasion (e.g., 11 to 20 million illegal Mexican and other aliens through our intentionally undefended southern border), and our nation being turned over to tyranny, are all scripturally predictable consequences of our ongoing murder of innocent children in the wombs of their mothers.
Read Hosea 4:2; Ezekiel 35:4-6, 2 Kings 24:1-4; and Psalm 106:37-44
But we have blind leaders being followed by a blind people in America, and it is neither a Church nor Civil Government priority to bring child-murder to an end... when it could be ended in a week, because Congress has the power to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the US Supreme Court ! Just listen to the Legislative Priorities of both State and Federal leaders, both legislative and executive, and you will see there is a normally a total absence of even any mention of the murder of 3,000 plus pre-birth human beings PER DAY in America. The level of blindness is astounding. And it's the same in the Church - which is actually more responsible and culpable than civil government. The Church is both the problem and the answer to ending child-murder in America.National Right to Life and the Republican Party are wrong. The composition of the US Supreme Court is not what has to change to end abortion. If the Christians of America would simply read Article III., Section 2. of their own national covenant, the US Constitution, perhaps they would understand that Congress and the President have had the power to end abortion in America in a week's time, for now almost 34 years !
US House limits jurisdiction of Federal Courts regarding the Pledge of Allegiance Employs Article III., Section 2. constitutional power of the US Congress to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the US supreme Court:
This same Article III., Section 2. constitutional power of the US Congress to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the US supreme Court can be further applied to protect the God-ordained institution of marriage, to protect state-level laws banning acts of sodomy, to protect federal and state laws banning abortion, and to protect the freedom of religious expression that is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the US Constitution, vis-a-vis public displays of the Ten Commandments, and public prayer in the Name of Jesus.
President Bush and the US Congress have the power NOW to end abortion in America in one week:
Pass HR 552, the "Right to Life Act", amended with the addition of the Article III., Section 2. power of the US Congress in the US Constitution to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the US supreme Court, and the complete jurisdiction of the lower federal courts (US District Courts and US Circuit Courts of Appeal, which were created by Congress by federal statute, and could even be eliminated by Congress by federal statute, let alone have their jurisdictions limited).
[ see HR 552 and HR 776, 109th Congress, at ]
The Article III., Section 2. legal strategy espoused in the article above is embodied in HR 2597, the Sanctity of Life Act of 2007, sponsored by US Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas). Congressman Paul's bill would vest "fetal" legal "personhood" at conception ("fertilization" would be a better, more precise term), and invoke the Article III., Section 2. power of Congress to remove appellate jurisdiction from the US Supreme Court, meaning they could not overturn it. Although Ron Paul's campaign position is to return the abortion-decision making power to the states, I actually believe that if HR 2597 were passed into law, that it would effectively, eventually, end abortion in America, because of three reasons: 1) the vesting of legal "personhood" by Congress, 2) the principle of the supremacy of federal laws, and 3) the Article III., Section 2. provision that would remove the bill from the US Supreme Court's appellate jurisdiction, and thereby preventing them from even reviewing it (hearing a case on it), much less overturning it.
CURRENT Bills in the 2007-2008 (110th) United States Congress:
The Article III., Section 2. legal strategy espoused in the article above is also embodied in HR 300, the We the People Act of 2007, sponsored by US Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas).
Congressman Paul's bill would return to the States their Sovereign Rights to:
- Acknowledge God
(issues related to prayer in Jesus' Name, and posting of the Ten Commandments),
- Ban Child-Murder-By-Abortion
- Ban Sodomy (not just ban sodomite couplings, "marriage," and "civil unions")
See HR 300 at - check the list of co-sponsors, if your US House member is not a co-sponsor, contact and ask them to sign on as a co-sponsor to HR 300. Ask both of your US Senate members to introduce a bill in the US Senate similar to HR 300 in the US House.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish:..." Proverb 29:18
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of Columbia Christians for Life to Establish Justice for the Unborn, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life:
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
Columbia Christians for Life (CCL)
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
(not tax deductible)
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL ministry donations to:
[contributions to CCL are not tax-deductible]
July 20, 2007
Fetal 'Personhood' denied by Republican-majority SC Legislature in 2007 (2008 ?)
According to the language of Roe, if a Legislature will declare the 'fetus' is legally a 'person' at fertilization, without 'exceptions,' Abortion is over !
Neither the Republican-majority SC House, nor the Republican-majority SC Senate, even held Judiciary Subcommittee public hearings on the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284 / S.313) during the entire January 2007 through June 2007 SC Legislative session, finally adjourning June 29.
And the SC Legislature does not plan to reconvene until January 2008, unless called in for other pressing matters by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston)) and the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Rep. Bobby Harrell (R-Charleston)) which, according to the Sine Die resolution, apparently does not include doing anything to stop the ongoing slaughter of over 550 pre-birth children per month in South Carolina. (Note: SC's largest killing center is in Charleston).
The Right to Life Act of SC is a bill perennially active in the SC Legislature which if passed by the Republicans who control the SC House, SC Senate, and SC Governor's office, would recognize the God-given 'personhood' of all human beings at fertilization, and thus, according to the words of the Roe v. Wade (1973) decision itself, would 'collapse' the legal argument propping up the evil, barbaric practice of abortion (child-murder). The very text of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision states, “[Texas] argue[s] that the fetus is a “person” within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment… If this suggestion of personhood is established, the [pro-abortion] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.”
Remember, it was a Texas law that was overturned in the Roe v. Wade case. Because the State of Texas had not established fetal 'personhood' and they had a life of the mother 'exception,' for the last 34+ years now, we have had over 47 Million dead ( by surgical abortion alone, not counting all the chemical abortions by Birth Control Pills, Depo-Provera, Plan B, ad nauseam.
The Right to Life Act of SC, in statutorily vesting legal 'personhood' at fertilization for ALL human beings, satisifies the Roe formula published 34 years ago !!! The issue of legal “personhood” for ALL human beings, without exception, is a key to unlocking the 34+ year old Roe v. Wade abortion enigma.
The Right to Life of SC has been introduced in the SC Legislature every year since 1998:
1998 (H.4558 / S.1060); 1999-2000 (H.3135); 2001-2002 (H.3252); 2003-2004 (H.3190); 2005-2006 (H.3213 / S.111); and 2007-2008 (H.3284 / S.313).
The Republicans have continuously been in the majority in the SC House since Jan. 1995, i.e., for now thirteen ( 13 ) annual legislative sessions (1995-2007).
The Republicans have continuously been in the majority in the SC Senate since Jan. 2001, i.e., for now seven ( 7 ) annual legislative sessions (2001-2007).
South Carolina 2005 Abortion Statistics:
Total reported child-murders-by-surgical-abortion in 2005:
6,715 (increase of 150 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed at Charleston abortion center:
(located near Charles Towne Landing)
2,797 (decrease of 38 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed at Greenville abortion center:
(located near Greenville Memorial Hospital)
2,425 (increase of 66 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed at Columbia abortion center:
(located in Middleburg Park, off Forest Drive)
1,460 (increase of 125 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed in ‘hospitals’ statewide:
33 (MUSC-10, Greenville Hospital System-17, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System 4, Piedmont Medical Center-2)
(decrease of 3 abortions reported compared to 2004)
The Right to Life Act passed the SC House, albeit with a fatal flaw rape exception amendment for the abortifacient Plan B so-called 'morning-after' pills, in April 2005, and then was killed in 2006 in a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, with four of the five State Senators eligible to vote on the bill being Republicans. The Judiciary Committee Subcommittee was chaired by Senator Jim Ritchie (R-Spartanburg), and included Senate President Pro-Tempore Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston), who is also the SC Senate full Judiciary Committee Chairman.
2007/2008 Session -
H.3284 -
(35 co-sponsors, 32-R, 3-D, in the 124-member (72-R, 51-D, 1 vacancy) SC House)
S.313 -
(10 co-sponsors, 9-R, 1-D, in the 46-member (25-R, 19-D, 2 vacancies) SC Senate)
2005/2006 Session -
Audio files available on-line, homepage of
SC Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, May 18, 2005 - S.111/H.3213
Public hearing, no debate or vote (36:09)
SC Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, May 4, 2005 - S.111/H.3213
Public hearing, no debate or vote (40:50)
SC House Judiciary Committee, April 5, 2005 - H.3213
Following debate, bill passed favorably by vote of 15 - 5 (roll call) (38:33)
These State bills are a mix of 'Personhood,' 100% Abortion Ban, and life of the mother exception bills. However, when it comes to banning abortion, 'exceptions' are unbiblical (Exodus 20:13) and unconstitutional.
2007 State-Level Bills Banning Abortions in Eight U.S. States
- AL, CO, GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (16% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of March 29, 2007
(Update: at least Ohio should also be added to this list)
The Bible explains that Foreign Invasion (12-20 Million Illegal Aliens) and War (Iraq) are divine judgments on nations which shed innocent bloodwithout rendering Justice to the Murderers. God requires Justice, and will recompense in blood those nations which refuse (Numbers 35:33).
2 Kings 24:1-4
How long will it take even ONE State Legislature (or the U.S. Congress) to do the one simple thing that has been staring us in the face off the pages of the Roe v. Wade decision for over 34 years, i.e., legislatively declaring legal 'personhood' at fertilization, without exception ? ! ? ! ? !
The Father speaking to His messenger, the prophet Isaiah:
"And He said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not."
"Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed."
Then said I, Lord, how long ? And He answered, Until the cities be wastedwithout inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,..."
Isaiah 6:9-11
Will that be when America finally bans government-protected child-murder in the womb, when "the cities be wasted..., and the land be utterly desolate" ?
George Mason, Virginia delegate, August 22, 1787, in the Constitutional Convention:
('Father of the Bill of Rights,' with Patrick Henry)
"Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven upon a country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes nation sins by national calamities."
Just as the national sin of American slavery brought God's judgmentof war upon both the North and South in 1861, so is the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion bringing war, terrorism, domestic violence, foreign invasion, etc., as divine judgments upon our wicked nation today.
Child-murder-by-abortion is a national sin. 9-11 was a national calamity. More and greater divine judgment is coming upon America, unless we repent of the national sin of abortion. If we will not repent of the national sin of abortion, then the America of today will be destroyed, just as God destroyed the kingdom of Judah, with successive waves of foreign invasion in 605 BC, 597 BC, and 586 BC (2 Kings, chapters 24 and 25). We've already been attacked on September 11, 2001. What will it be next, America ? What will it be next, Church ? Repentance finally, or further and greater divine judgment ?
As has been said, it's now Christ or Chaos (then Tyranny) for America ...
Repent, Church ! Repent, America !
News Conference hosted by Columbia Christians for Life and Voice of the Unborn
Speakers at News Conference (not attended by print or broadcast Media):
Mr. Charles Butler, pastor, Souls Afire Baptist Church, Orangeburg, SC
Steve Lefemine, director, Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia, SC
Johnny Gardner, director, Voice of the Unborn, Columbia, SC
Miss Kim Hendrix

SC Carolina State House
First Floor Lobby
( between offices of Governor Mark Sanford (R) and Lt Governor Andre Bauer (R) )
Columbia, South Carolina
May 31, 2007
Columbia Christians for Life
P.O. Box 50358, Columbia, S.C. 29250 * (803) 765-0916
“… I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18
Thursday, May 31, 2007, 11:00 AM: First Floor, SC State House, Columbia, SC
Re: ‘Right to Life Act of South Carolina’ [H.3284 / S.313 /]
Statement by Steve Lefemine, dir. Columbia Christians for Life:
( )
Good morning, as the 2007 Session ends next week, this is a report on the status of the Right to Life Act of SC, a constitutional bill to ban abortion, not just regulate it, that was first introduced in SC's House and Senate over nine years ago in February 1998. The bill was re-introduced in both the House (H.3284) and Senate (S.313) in January this year, but unfortunately, neither bill has had a public hearing. This despite the fact that the bill passed the SC House on April 13, 2005 by a vote of 95-18 on Second Reading, albeit with a 'fatal flaw' rape exception amendment. Abortion could have been ended over 34 years ago in 1973 by establishing the legal 'personhood' of pre-birth human beings, without any so-called 'exceptions,' as plainly stated in the very text of the Roe v. Wade decision itself. However thus far, our SC Legislature and Governor have refused to do so. I call on the Republican-majority SC House (73 R - 51 D), the Republican-majority SC Senate (24 R - 20 D w/ two vacancies, formerly Republican), and the Republican SC Governor to do their civil duty and prevent the shedding of innocent blood by passing the RTL Act of SC. The number of pre-birth children murdered by surgical abortion alone in SC increased to over 6,700 in 2005, or 129 per week, primarily in three abortion centers, in Greenville, Columbia, and Charleston. That's four times the number of victims murdered in the VA Tech massacre on April 16th. About 3,300 are surgically aborted every day in the USA.
As I have said before to SC Legislators, according to the Bible, two of God's end-game judgments upon nations that shed innocent blood are Foreign Invasion and War. Referring to the invasion in 605 BC upon the ancient nation of Judah, which eventually led to the burning of Jerusalem and its Temple in 586 BC, and the death or captivity of thousands of Judah's inhabitants, the Bible says in 2 Kings 24:1-4 [excerpts]:
"In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up,..."
"And the LORD... sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servants the prophets."
"Surely at the commandment of the LORD came this upon Judah, to remove them out of his sight, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did;"
"And also for the innocent blood that he shed: for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; which the LORD would not pardon."
Our US Senate is debating an Immigration Bill that would grant instant legal status, Instant Amnesty, to 12-20 Million foreigners who have illegally entered our country. Does this not count as a form of invasion ? How about the attack on 9-11 by Muslim invaders sent by Osama Bin Laden, who is to this day still headquartered, not in Iraq, but Afghanistan? It is God alone Who can bring peace, safety, and security to our land, as seen in Levitcus 26: 5,6. Conversely, the Bible also teaches it is God Who sends enemies against nations which become exceedingly wicked.
Yes, the Bible shows us that Foreign Invasion and War are two of God's 'end-game' judgments upon wicked nations that shed innocent blood, as the US has done for over 34 years, murdering over 47 Million babies by surgical abortion, and more than that by abortifacient birth control. Furthermore, as was said years ago, it is either Christ or Chaos for America. If we continue to reject God's moral law in our lives and our nation, we will see a growing chaos, that willthen lead to tyranny in the form of the loss of our God-given, constitutionally-protected civil liberties, at the hand of our own government (e.g., presidential declaration of a 'national emergency'). After all, the Illuminati motto 'Ordo Ab Chao' means 'Order Out of Chaos." This process has already begun. We reap what we sow. We have not responded as we should to the cries of our unborn neighbors. We have let over 317,000 of them be slaughtered in SC (1973-2005). God has heard their cries, vengeance is His, and He will repay us for refusing to love the unborn as we love ourselves, and to do all we can to rescue them from slaughter, using our time, talents, and treasure.
During this 2007 legislative session that ends next week, instead of Establishing Justice for pre-birth children by passing the RTL Act, SC's House and Senate have been passing the Ultrasound bill (H.3355); yet one more bill in a long series of bills stretching back to at least 1990 in this state, to incrementally regulate the murder of pre-birth children in their mother's wombs. To which I say, God's requirement for Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation. This Ultrasound bill has been a hindrance, obstruction, and distraction from a proper focus on principled abortion-ban legislation like the RTL Act. As Oswald Chambers' devotional entitled "My Utmost For His Highest" says, in so many words, 'Good' is the enemy of God's 'best.' The Ultrasound bill has been the enemy of the RTL Act. Thankfully, Johnny Gardner and I have been informed that after the Ultrasound bill is over, we will be granted a public hearing for the RTL Act early next year. Still, over 3,900 more SC children will be slaughtered between now and the start of the 2008 Legislative session. Their blood will cry out for vengeance, and SC's cup of wrath will continue to fill.
Judgment begins in the house of God. It is way past time for the Bible-believing Church in America to Repent. Though we are sorely unworthy, may God in His growing wrath upon the Church and America, remember mercy. But let us remember, that without Judgment, there can be no Mercy. Let's Establish Justice for pre-birth humans !
Prophetic witness after News Conference:
Steve Lefemine
Amos Pressley
Anne Rainville

SC Carolina State House
Second Floor Lobby
( entrance to SC Senate in the background )
Columbia, South Carolina
May 31, 2007
No King but King Jesus! (Y'shua !)
Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions, and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982
Consider the Statement of Purpose of the National Reform Association (organized in 1864):
"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matt. 16:18
Y'shua Messiah
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358
Columbia, South Carolina
(803) 765-0916
July 19, 2007
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of Columbia Christians for Life or Voice of the Unborn, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life ministry expenses (not tax deductible):
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
"Columbia Christians for Life"
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL ministry donations to:
To donate to Voice of the Unborn (not tax deductible):
Please make checks to:
"Voice of the Unborn"
120 Amsterdam Drive, #G
Columbia, SC 29210
Neither the Republican-majority SC House, nor the Republican-majority SC Senate, even held Judiciary Subcommittee public hearings on the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284 / S.313) during the entire January 2007 through June 2007 SC Legislative session, finally adjourning June 29.
And the SC Legislature does not plan to reconvene until January 2008, unless called in for other pressing matters by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston)) and the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Rep. Bobby Harrell (R-Charleston)) which, according to the Sine Die resolution, apparently does not include doing anything to stop the ongoing slaughter of over 550 pre-birth children per month in South Carolina. (Note: SC's largest killing center is in Charleston).
The Right to Life Act of SC is a bill perennially active in the SC Legislature which if passed by the Republicans who control the SC House, SC Senate, and SC Governor's office, would recognize the God-given 'personhood' of all human beings at fertilization, and thus, according to the words of the Roe v. Wade (1973) decision itself, would 'collapse' the legal argument propping up the evil, barbaric practice of abortion (child-murder). The very text of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision states, “[Texas] argue[s] that the fetus is a “person” within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment… If this suggestion of personhood is established, the [pro-abortion] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.”
Remember, it was a Texas law that was overturned in the Roe v. Wade case. Because the State of Texas had not established fetal 'personhood' and they had a life of the mother 'exception,' for the last 34+ years now, we have had over 47 Million dead ( by surgical abortion alone, not counting all the chemical abortions by Birth Control Pills, Depo-Provera, Plan B, ad nauseam.
The Right to Life Act of SC, in statutorily vesting legal 'personhood' at fertilization for ALL human beings, satisifies the Roe formula published 34 years ago !!! The issue of legal “personhood” for ALL human beings, without exception, is a key to unlocking the 34+ year old Roe v. Wade abortion enigma.
The Right to Life of SC has been introduced in the SC Legislature every year since 1998:
1998 (H.4558 / S.1060); 1999-2000 (H.3135); 2001-2002 (H.3252); 2003-2004 (H.3190); 2005-2006 (H.3213 / S.111); and 2007-2008 (H.3284 / S.313).
The Republicans have continuously been in the majority in the SC House since Jan. 1995, i.e., for now thirteen ( 13 ) annual legislative sessions (1995-2007).
The Republicans have continuously been in the majority in the SC Senate since Jan. 2001, i.e., for now seven ( 7 ) annual legislative sessions (2001-2007).
South Carolina 2005 Abortion Statistics:
Total reported child-murders-by-surgical-abortion in 2005:
6,715 (increase of 150 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed at Charleston abortion center:
(located near Charles Towne Landing)
2,797 (decrease of 38 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed at Greenville abortion center:
(located near Greenville Memorial Hospital)
2,425 (increase of 66 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed at Columbia abortion center:
(located in Middleburg Park, off Forest Drive)
1,460 (increase of 125 abortions compared to 2004)
Abortions committed in ‘hospitals’ statewide:
33 (MUSC-10, Greenville Hospital System-17, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System 4, Piedmont Medical Center-2)
(decrease of 3 abortions reported compared to 2004)
The Right to Life Act passed the SC House, albeit with a fatal flaw rape exception amendment for the abortifacient Plan B so-called 'morning-after' pills, in April 2005, and then was killed in 2006 in a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, with four of the five State Senators eligible to vote on the bill being Republicans. The Judiciary Committee Subcommittee was chaired by Senator Jim Ritchie (R-Spartanburg), and included Senate President Pro-Tempore Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston), who is also the SC Senate full Judiciary Committee Chairman.
2007/2008 Session -
H.3284 -
(35 co-sponsors, 32-R, 3-D, in the 124-member (72-R, 51-D, 1 vacancy) SC House)
S.313 -
(10 co-sponsors, 9-R, 1-D, in the 46-member (25-R, 19-D, 2 vacancies) SC Senate)
2005/2006 Session -
Audio files available on-line, homepage of
SC Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, May 18, 2005 - S.111/H.3213
Public hearing, no debate or vote (36:09)
SC Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, May 4, 2005 - S.111/H.3213
Public hearing, no debate or vote (40:50)
SC House Judiciary Committee, April 5, 2005 - H.3213
Following debate, bill passed favorably by vote of 15 - 5 (roll call) (38:33)
These State bills are a mix of 'Personhood,' 100% Abortion Ban, and life of the mother exception bills. However, when it comes to banning abortion, 'exceptions' are unbiblical (Exodus 20:13) and unconstitutional.
2007 State-Level Bills Banning Abortions in Eight U.S. States
- AL, CO, GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (16% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of March 29, 2007
(Update: at least Ohio should also be added to this list)
The Bible explains that Foreign Invasion (12-20 Million Illegal Aliens) and War (Iraq) are divine judgments on nations which shed innocent bloodwithout rendering Justice to the Murderers. God requires Justice, and will recompense in blood those nations which refuse (Numbers 35:33).
2 Kings 24:1-4
How long will it take even ONE State Legislature (or the U.S. Congress) to do the one simple thing that has been staring us in the face off the pages of the Roe v. Wade decision for over 34 years, i.e., legislatively declaring legal 'personhood' at fertilization, without exception ? ! ? ! ? !
The Father speaking to His messenger, the prophet Isaiah:
"And He said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not."
"Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed."
Then said I, Lord, how long ? And He answered, Until the cities be wastedwithout inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,..."
Isaiah 6:9-11
Will that be when America finally bans government-protected child-murder in the womb, when "the cities be wasted..., and the land be utterly desolate" ?
George Mason, Virginia delegate, August 22, 1787, in the Constitutional Convention:
('Father of the Bill of Rights,' with Patrick Henry)
"Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven upon a country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes nation sins by national calamities."
Just as the national sin of American slavery brought God's judgmentof war upon both the North and South in 1861, so is the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion bringing war, terrorism, domestic violence, foreign invasion, etc., as divine judgments upon our wicked nation today.
Child-murder-by-abortion is a national sin. 9-11 was a national calamity. More and greater divine judgment is coming upon America, unless we repent of the national sin of abortion. If we will not repent of the national sin of abortion, then the America of today will be destroyed, just as God destroyed the kingdom of Judah, with successive waves of foreign invasion in 605 BC, 597 BC, and 586 BC (2 Kings, chapters 24 and 25). We've already been attacked on September 11, 2001. What will it be next, America ? What will it be next, Church ? Repentance finally, or further and greater divine judgment ?
As has been said, it's now Christ or Chaos (then Tyranny) for America ...
Repent, Church ! Repent, America !
'JESUS IS PRO-LIFE' NEWS CONFERENCE - Columbia, South CarolinaNews Conference hosted by Columbia Christians for Life and Voice of the Unborn
Speakers at News Conference (not attended by print or broadcast Media):
Mr. Charles Butler, pastor, Souls Afire Baptist Church, Orangeburg, SC
Steve Lefemine, director, Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia, SC
Johnny Gardner, director, Voice of the Unborn, Columbia, SC
Miss Kim Hendrix

SC Carolina State House
First Floor Lobby
( between offices of Governor Mark Sanford (R) and Lt Governor Andre Bauer (R) )
Columbia, South Carolina
May 31, 2007
Columbia Christians for Life
P.O. Box 50358, Columbia, S.C. 29250 * (803) 765-0916
“… I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18
Thursday, May 31, 2007, 11:00 AM: First Floor, SC State House, Columbia, SC
Re: ‘Right to Life Act of South Carolina’ [H.3284 / S.313 /]
Statement by Steve Lefemine, dir. Columbia Christians for Life:
( )
Good morning, as the 2007 Session ends next week, this is a report on the status of the Right to Life Act of SC, a constitutional bill to ban abortion, not just regulate it, that was first introduced in SC's House and Senate over nine years ago in February 1998. The bill was re-introduced in both the House (H.3284) and Senate (S.313) in January this year, but unfortunately, neither bill has had a public hearing. This despite the fact that the bill passed the SC House on April 13, 2005 by a vote of 95-18 on Second Reading, albeit with a 'fatal flaw' rape exception amendment. Abortion could have been ended over 34 years ago in 1973 by establishing the legal 'personhood' of pre-birth human beings, without any so-called 'exceptions,' as plainly stated in the very text of the Roe v. Wade decision itself. However thus far, our SC Legislature and Governor have refused to do so. I call on the Republican-majority SC House (73 R - 51 D), the Republican-majority SC Senate (24 R - 20 D w/ two vacancies, formerly Republican), and the Republican SC Governor to do their civil duty and prevent the shedding of innocent blood by passing the RTL Act of SC. The number of pre-birth children murdered by surgical abortion alone in SC increased to over 6,700 in 2005, or 129 per week, primarily in three abortion centers, in Greenville, Columbia, and Charleston. That's four times the number of victims murdered in the VA Tech massacre on April 16th. About 3,300 are surgically aborted every day in the USA.
As I have said before to SC Legislators, according to the Bible, two of God's end-game judgments upon nations that shed innocent blood are Foreign Invasion and War. Referring to the invasion in 605 BC upon the ancient nation of Judah, which eventually led to the burning of Jerusalem and its Temple in 586 BC, and the death or captivity of thousands of Judah's inhabitants, the Bible says in 2 Kings 24:1-4 [excerpts]:
"In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up,..."
"And the LORD... sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servants the prophets."
"Surely at the commandment of the LORD came this upon Judah, to remove them out of his sight, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did;"
"And also for the innocent blood that he shed: for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; which the LORD would not pardon."
Our US Senate is debating an Immigration Bill that would grant instant legal status, Instant Amnesty, to 12-20 Million foreigners who have illegally entered our country. Does this not count as a form of invasion ? How about the attack on 9-11 by Muslim invaders sent by Osama Bin Laden, who is to this day still headquartered, not in Iraq, but Afghanistan? It is God alone Who can bring peace, safety, and security to our land, as seen in Levitcus 26: 5,6. Conversely, the Bible also teaches it is God Who sends enemies against nations which become exceedingly wicked.
Yes, the Bible shows us that Foreign Invasion and War are two of God's 'end-game' judgments upon wicked nations that shed innocent blood, as the US has done for over 34 years, murdering over 47 Million babies by surgical abortion, and more than that by abortifacient birth control. Furthermore, as was said years ago, it is either Christ or Chaos for America. If we continue to reject God's moral law in our lives and our nation, we will see a growing chaos, that willthen lead to tyranny in the form of the loss of our God-given, constitutionally-protected civil liberties, at the hand of our own government (e.g., presidential declaration of a 'national emergency'). After all, the Illuminati motto 'Ordo Ab Chao' means 'Order Out of Chaos." This process has already begun. We reap what we sow. We have not responded as we should to the cries of our unborn neighbors. We have let over 317,000 of them be slaughtered in SC (1973-2005). God has heard their cries, vengeance is His, and He will repay us for refusing to love the unborn as we love ourselves, and to do all we can to rescue them from slaughter, using our time, talents, and treasure.
During this 2007 legislative session that ends next week, instead of Establishing Justice for pre-birth children by passing the RTL Act, SC's House and Senate have been passing the Ultrasound bill (H.3355); yet one more bill in a long series of bills stretching back to at least 1990 in this state, to incrementally regulate the murder of pre-birth children in their mother's wombs. To which I say, God's requirement for Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation. This Ultrasound bill has been a hindrance, obstruction, and distraction from a proper focus on principled abortion-ban legislation like the RTL Act. As Oswald Chambers' devotional entitled "My Utmost For His Highest" says, in so many words, 'Good' is the enemy of God's 'best.' The Ultrasound bill has been the enemy of the RTL Act. Thankfully, Johnny Gardner and I have been informed that after the Ultrasound bill is over, we will be granted a public hearing for the RTL Act early next year. Still, over 3,900 more SC children will be slaughtered between now and the start of the 2008 Legislative session. Their blood will cry out for vengeance, and SC's cup of wrath will continue to fill.
Judgment begins in the house of God. It is way past time for the Bible-believing Church in America to Repent. Though we are sorely unworthy, may God in His growing wrath upon the Church and America, remember mercy. But let us remember, that without Judgment, there can be no Mercy. Let's Establish Justice for pre-birth humans !
Prophetic witness after News Conference:
Steve Lefemine
Amos Pressley
Anne Rainville

SC Carolina State House
Second Floor Lobby
( entrance to SC Senate in the background )
Columbia, South Carolina
May 31, 2007
No King but King Jesus! (Y'shua !)
Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions, and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982
Consider the Statement of Purpose of the National Reform Association (organized in 1864):
"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matt. 16:18
Y'shua Messiah
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358
Columbia, South Carolina
(803) 765-0916
July 19, 2007
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of Columbia Christians for Life or Voice of the Unborn, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life ministry expenses (not tax deductible):
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
"Columbia Christians for Life"
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL ministry donations to:
To donate to Voice of the Unborn (not tax deductible):
Please make checks to:
"Voice of the Unborn"
120 Amsterdam Drive, #G
Columbia, SC 29210
June 22, 2007
"In memory of the fallen" - Firefighters, rightly, Yes; Unborn, wrongly, No
Charleston Firefighter Rob Fulmer moved his thumb along the edge of a sticker affixed to the side of Engine #10 - smoothing it over and over and over until it was just so. The sticker reads, "In memory of the fallen." / June 22, 2007
It is right to memorialize the brave and sacrificial lives of the nine Charleston firefighters who died in the line of duty on June 18, bravely protecting the city and saving the lives of two citizens caught in the blaze.
An estimated 30,000 firefighters from around the country, plus thousands of other citizens attended the Memorial Service for these nine courageous men. As thousands lined the streets to pay their respects, about 100 fire trucks joined in a procession, past the furniture store fire scene and past Charleston fire houses, enroute to the North Charleston Coliseum where the nine caskets were displayed for the Memorial Service.
Yet, just over a mile away, in the same "West Ashley" area just outside of Charleston, at the Charleston Women's "Medical" [child-murder/abortion] Center over 50 pre-birth children have/will likely die this week alone***, and who will memorialize the loss of their lives ? Who will even notice ? Can we admit that these murdered children are also human beings, are also 'persons,' worthy of being memorialized as well ?They had not had the opportunity to be born and perform brave deeds of courage,but were they not still "lives worthy of life" to be respected instead of slaughtered ?

*** The Charleston Women's Medical Center reported murdering 2,797 pre-birth children in 2005 alone, according to SC DHEC figures. From 1988 to 2005, this abortion death camp has reported murdering from a minimum of 2,162 (in 1995) to a maximum of 2,835 (in 2004) pre-birth children each year, for a total of 46,540 CHILDREN MURDERED IN CHARLESTON'S WEST ASHLEY CHILD-MURDER-BY-ABORTION DEATH CAMP in just these 18 years -they have NEVER BEEN MEMORIALIZED in a manner commensurate with this holocaust.
Nine brave firefighters sacrificed their lives on Monday, June 18 while fighting a raging fire that was described as a "30-foot tornado of flames," and trying to save the lives of two employees at the Super Sofa Store, 1807 Savannah Highyway (US Rte 17), Charleston, South Carolina. It was the "worst single incident to claim U.S. firefighters" lives since the Sept. 11 attacks." (
The fire Monday night created the single largest loss of firefighters' lives since the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Beside the caskets, the faces of its victims looked out proudly from large photos: Capt. William "Billy" Hutchinson, 48; Capt. Mike Benke, 49; Capt. Louis Mulkey, 34; Mark Kelsey, 40; Bradford "Brad" Baity, 37; Michael French, 27; James "Earl" Drayton, 56; Brandon Thompson, 27; and Melvin Champaign, 46.
"We've lost over 100 years of service," said Charleston Fire Chief Rusty Thomas at a Tuesday afternoon press conference. "I lost nine of my best friends."
These firefighters and rescuers were heroic in their efforts. One of the speakers at today's (June 22) Memorial Service said, "To save a human life is a necessity for a firefighter." Scripture references had been made to the words of Jesus about greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friends, and that whatsoever you do to the least of these My brothers, you do unto Me. So why are these same thoughts not also applied to the rescuing of the lives of the unborn being slaughtered just over a mile from where this tragic loss of nine lives occurred at the Super Sofa Store near the corner of the Savannah Highway (U.S. Rte 17) and Wappoo Road ?
This is a schematic and map of the location of the Super Sofa Store:
Sofa Super Store, 1807 Savannah Highway (Rte 17) near the intersection with Wappoo Rd.
(near SW corner of the intersection)
The location of the Charleston Women's "Medical" [sic] Center is available on MapQuest with a link from the abortion center's own website:
Charleston Women's Medical Center (Child-murder-by-abortion center)1312 Ashley River Road (at intersection with Fuseler Rd.)
Charleston, SC 29407
Zoom to level 10 to see both CWMC abortion mill and intersection of Savannah Hwy (US Rte 17) and Wappoo Road, near the location of the Super Sofa Store (street and aerial views) - approx.1.2 miles straight line distance between the abortion center and the furniture store
[The Charles Towne Landing State Park nearby is the site of the original first permanent European settlement in the Carolinas in 1670, later moving from West Ashley to the peninsula to establish the City of Charleston.]
The Charleston Women's Death Camp for Pre-birth Human Beings which has murdered over 46,000 children (1988-2005 alone) is just over one mile (straight line) from the site of Monday's tragedy where nine brave men lost their lives as protectors and rescuers. Who will protect and rescue the lives of the children being butchered on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays according to the CWMC's own website, on a weekly basis ?!!!
For several years now, Voice of the Unborn director Johnny Gardner has been lobbying the SC Legislature for a suitable memorial to the Unborn who have lost their lives in our statebecause of the on going holocaust and tragedy of abortion. Over 317,000 children have been murdered from 1973-2005 in South Carolina by surgical abortion alone.
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House, 12 noon, January 22, 2007
Voice of the Unborn, Johnny Gardner, Director - Letter
Unborn Children's Monument Commission
Introduced in the House on January 17, 2007
Currently residing in the House Committee on Education and Public Works
Mr. Mike Warren, Rochester, NY, minister and pro-life leader:
"True repentance is not possible until the truth regarding the need of repentance is comprehended."
How many Christians understand the Biblical doctrine of corporate bloodguilt,and therefore realize that all of us in America are stained with bloodguiltiness, as is the land itself ? How many pastors have the courage to preach it in the pulpit ?
(e.g., Deuteronomy 19:10, 13; Numbers 35:33; Deuteronomy 21:1-9; Jeremiah 26:15)
"If My people, which are called by My Name (born-again Christians), shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."2 Chronicles 7:14
Abortion in America can be ended in one week by passing H.R. 2597 and removing appellate jurisdiction from the U.S. Supreme Court, to prevent the overturn of this bill, which if passed would ban abortion nationwide
( see H.R. 2597, the Sanctity of Life Act of 2007 at )
Abortion in each state can be ended by passing no exceptions fetal 'personhood'bills, similar to as H.3284, the Right to Life Act of SC; and/or by passing constitutional amendments, similar to HB 403 in the State of Montana
2007 State-Level Bills Banning Abortions in Eight U.S. States
- AL, CO, GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (16% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of March 29, 2007
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:..." Hosea 4:6a (KJB)
"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." Proverb 29:18a (KJB)
"...with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26b (KJB) [State of Ohio motto]
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 (KJB)
No King but King Jesus!
Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America's Colonial Charters, State Constitutions, and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
Columbia, SC
June 22, 2007 / June 22, 2007
It is right to memorialize the brave and sacrificial lives of the nine Charleston firefighters who died in the line of duty on June 18, bravely protecting the city and saving the lives of two citizens caught in the blaze.
An estimated 30,000 firefighters from around the country, plus thousands of other citizens attended the Memorial Service for these nine courageous men. As thousands lined the streets to pay their respects, about 100 fire trucks joined in a procession, past the furniture store fire scene and past Charleston fire houses, enroute to the North Charleston Coliseum where the nine caskets were displayed for the Memorial Service.
Yet, just over a mile away, in the same "West Ashley" area just outside of Charleston, at the Charleston Women's "Medical" [child-murder/abortion] Center over 50 pre-birth children have/will likely die this week alone***, and who will memorialize the loss of their lives ? Who will even notice ? Can we admit that these murdered children are also human beings, are also 'persons,' worthy of being memorialized as well ?They had not had the opportunity to be born and perform brave deeds of courage,but were they not still "lives worthy of life" to be respected instead of slaughtered ?

*** The Charleston Women's Medical Center reported murdering 2,797 pre-birth children in 2005 alone, according to SC DHEC figures. From 1988 to 2005, this abortion death camp has reported murdering from a minimum of 2,162 (in 1995) to a maximum of 2,835 (in 2004) pre-birth children each year, for a total of 46,540 CHILDREN MURDERED IN CHARLESTON'S WEST ASHLEY CHILD-MURDER-BY-ABORTION DEATH CAMP in just these 18 years -they have NEVER BEEN MEMORIALIZED in a manner commensurate with this holocaust.
Nine brave firefighters sacrificed their lives on Monday, June 18 while fighting a raging fire that was described as a "30-foot tornado of flames," and trying to save the lives of two employees at the Super Sofa Store, 1807 Savannah Highyway (US Rte 17), Charleston, South Carolina. It was the "worst single incident to claim U.S. firefighters" lives since the Sept. 11 attacks." (
The fire Monday night created the single largest loss of firefighters' lives since the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Beside the caskets, the faces of its victims looked out proudly from large photos: Capt. William "Billy" Hutchinson, 48; Capt. Mike Benke, 49; Capt. Louis Mulkey, 34; Mark Kelsey, 40; Bradford "Brad" Baity, 37; Michael French, 27; James "Earl" Drayton, 56; Brandon Thompson, 27; and Melvin Champaign, 46.
"We've lost over 100 years of service," said Charleston Fire Chief Rusty Thomas at a Tuesday afternoon press conference. "I lost nine of my best friends."
These firefighters and rescuers were heroic in their efforts. One of the speakers at today's (June 22) Memorial Service said, "To save a human life is a necessity for a firefighter." Scripture references had been made to the words of Jesus about greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friends, and that whatsoever you do to the least of these My brothers, you do unto Me. So why are these same thoughts not also applied to the rescuing of the lives of the unborn being slaughtered just over a mile from where this tragic loss of nine lives occurred at the Super Sofa Store near the corner of the Savannah Highway (U.S. Rte 17) and Wappoo Road ?
This is a schematic and map of the location of the Super Sofa Store:
Sofa Super Store, 1807 Savannah Highway (Rte 17) near the intersection with Wappoo Rd.
(near SW corner of the intersection)
The location of the Charleston Women's "Medical" [sic] Center is available on MapQuest with a link from the abortion center's own website:
Charleston Women's Medical Center (Child-murder-by-abortion center)1312 Ashley River Road (at intersection with Fuseler Rd.)
Charleston, SC 29407
Zoom to level 10 to see both CWMC abortion mill and intersection of Savannah Hwy (US Rte 17) and Wappoo Road, near the location of the Super Sofa Store (street and aerial views) - approx.1.2 miles straight line distance between the abortion center and the furniture store
[The Charles Towne Landing State Park nearby is the site of the original first permanent European settlement in the Carolinas in 1670, later moving from West Ashley to the peninsula to establish the City of Charleston.]
The Charleston Women's Death Camp for Pre-birth Human Beings which has murdered over 46,000 children (1988-2005 alone) is just over one mile (straight line) from the site of Monday's tragedy where nine brave men lost their lives as protectors and rescuers. Who will protect and rescue the lives of the children being butchered on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays according to the CWMC's own website, on a weekly basis ?!!!
For several years now, Voice of the Unborn director Johnny Gardner has been lobbying the SC Legislature for a suitable memorial to the Unborn who have lost their lives in our statebecause of the on going holocaust and tragedy of abortion. Over 317,000 children have been murdered from 1973-2005 in South Carolina by surgical abortion alone.
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House, 12 noon, January 22, 2007
Voice of the Unborn, Johnny Gardner, Director - Letter
Unborn Children's Monument Commission
Introduced in the House on January 17, 2007
Currently residing in the House Committee on Education and Public Works
Mr. Mike Warren, Rochester, NY, minister and pro-life leader:
"True repentance is not possible until the truth regarding the need of repentance is comprehended."
How many Christians understand the Biblical doctrine of corporate bloodguilt,and therefore realize that all of us in America are stained with bloodguiltiness, as is the land itself ? How many pastors have the courage to preach it in the pulpit ?
(e.g., Deuteronomy 19:10, 13; Numbers 35:33; Deuteronomy 21:1-9; Jeremiah 26:15)
"If My people, which are called by My Name (born-again Christians), shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."2 Chronicles 7:14
Abortion in America can be ended in one week by passing H.R. 2597 and removing appellate jurisdiction from the U.S. Supreme Court, to prevent the overturn of this bill, which if passed would ban abortion nationwide
( see H.R. 2597, the Sanctity of Life Act of 2007 at )
Abortion in each state can be ended by passing no exceptions fetal 'personhood'bills, similar to as H.3284, the Right to Life Act of SC; and/or by passing constitutional amendments, similar to HB 403 in the State of Montana
2007 State-Level Bills Banning Abortions in Eight U.S. States
- AL, CO, GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (16% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of March 29, 2007
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:..." Hosea 4:6a (KJB)
"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." Proverb 29:18a (KJB)
"...with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26b (KJB) [State of Ohio motto]
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 (KJB)
No King but King Jesus!
Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America's Colonial Charters, State Constitutions, and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
Columbia, SC
June 22, 2007
May 30, 2007
SC RTL Act delayed by House Republican leader for Ultrasound Bill in 2007 Session
Correction and revision of earlier April 29, 2007 report:
SC House Republican leader delaying progress of Right to Life Act of SC to facilitate passage of Ultrasound bill during the 2007 Session
In an earlier April 29, 2007 report, it was reported that Rep. Delleney was blocking the progress of the Right to Life Act, and the question was raised whether or not he was still supporting the bill (H.3284). This report did not accurately reflect Rep. Delleney's position, and I apologize to Rep. Delleney for the error. I should have waited longer until Rep. Delleney had clarified his position, instead of sending out that report too hastily.
Republican Chairman of the House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester) has decided not to hold a public hearing on the RTL Act of SC (H.3284) until action is complete in the SC General Assembly on the Ultrasound bill (H.3355). The 2007 regular session ends June 7.
Once action is complete on the Ultrasound bill, Rep. Delleney has stated he will then sign on as a co-sponsor of the Right to Life Act of SC, and grant us a public hearing. The Ultrasound bill passed the House on March 22, and passed the Senate, amended, on May 17. The House then further amended the Senate version on May 24, but the Senate non-concurred on May 29. The House insisted on their amendment May 30, and appointed three members to a conference committee. So it appears the Ultrasound bill will continue to obstruct the RTL Act through the end of the regular 2007 Session. The net effect is that the public hearing for the RTL Act will not be held until the 2008 Session. This would be a delay of House action of nearly a year.
Meanwhile, the Senate version of the RTL Act (S.313), introduced January 23, will not be assigned to a Subcommittee by the Judiciary Chairman, Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston), until after the end of the regular 2007 Session on June 7.
The 2007 Republican-majority make-up of the SC Senate is 24 Republicans and 20 Democrats (with two vacant seats that had been occupied by Republicans).
These are the five members (3 Rep's, 2 Dem's) of the SC House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee:
Representative F. Gregory "Greg" Delleney, Jr., ( R ) District 43 - Chester & York Cos.
Representative Thad T. Viers, ( R ) District 68 - Horry Co.
(presently is a co-sponsor of H.3284, the RTL Act of SC)
Representative James H. Harrison, ( R ) District 75 - Richland Co.
Representative Creighton B. Coleman, ( D ) District 41 - Chester & Fairfield Cos.
Representative Fletcher N. Smith, Jr., ( D ) District 23 - Greenville Co.
The 2007 Republican-majority make-up of the SC House is 73 Republicans and 51 Democrats.
The Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284) presently has 34 co-sponsors in the SC House.
2005 Background:
H.3213 - Right to Life Act of SC - 2005/2006 Legislative Session, with 52 co-sponsors in the SC House
Report on Right to Life Act of SC (H.3213) passing Constitutional Laws Subcommittee on March 31, 2005:
'Take Action to Pass the RTL Act of SC' - April 1, 2005
South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion (SC House bill H.3213)
On Thursday, March 31, the RTL Act of SC (H.3213) passed the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, on a 3 - 0 vote ! Rep’s Delleney, F.N. Smith, and Hagood voted for the bill. Rep. Harrison abstained. (Rep. Coleman was not present.)
Report on Right to Life Act of SC (H.3213) passing the full Judiciary Committee on April 5, 2005:
'Take Action to Pass the RTL Act of SC' - April 7, 2005
South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion (SC House bill H.3213)
On Tuesday, April 5, the RTL Act of SC (H.3213) passed the House Judiciary Committee on a 15 - 5 vote ! We give praise and all glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for the bill’s progress !
To listen to the audio recording of the April 5, 2005 full House Judiciary Committee debate on H.3213, when Rep. Delleney articulately explained and defended the Right to Life Act of SC, go to the home page of and click on:
SC House Judiciary Committee, April 5, 2005 - H.3213
Following debate, bill passed favorably by vote of 15 - 5 (roll call)
The Attorney General of SC Legal Opinion dated March 30, 2005 stated the Right to Life Act of SC is constitutional on its face, though would have to be adjudicated if applied to abortion. To see the SC A/G's written opinion, go to # 23 on the 'RTL Act of SC' page of
Legal Opinion (2005) of South Carolina Attorney General on the Right to Life Act of SC
"Accordingly, it is our opinion that the Right to Life Act is constitutional."
On the floor of the SC House on April 13, 2005, to the surprise of Columbia Christians for Life and Voice of the Unborn, a 'fatal flaw' rape exception amendment for the so-called 'morning-after pill' was added. The bill passed the full SC House by a vote of 95 - 18 on April 13, 2005 with the rape exception amendment.
As explained in the Roe v Wade decision itself over 34 years ago, exceptions to "personhood" undermine the legal concept and strategy of fetal "personhood." The 1973 Roe text clearly stated that if fetal personhood was established, then the abortion argument would collapse. This is why the rape exception amendment added on the SC House floor was therefore a "fatal flaw" to the bill. As the Roe decision explained in a footnote by pro-abort Roe author Justice Harry Blackmun, there can be no 'exceptions' to the assertion of fetal personhood. In other words, when it comes to banning abortion, 'exceptions' to personhood are unconstitutional. See quotes from 1973 Roe decision, and links to Roe decision at:
"Good" is the enemy of God's "best": the Ultrasound bill versus the Right to Life Act of SC
The Right to Life Act of SC was first introduced in both the SC House and SC Senate in February 1998. The Ultrasound bill on the other hand, is the latest in a long string of incrementalist, abortion-regulation bills, supported by the National Right to Life state chapter, SC Citizens for Life (, going back at least 17 years to 1990. In a very real, practical sense, the Ultrasound bill during the 2007 SC Legislative Session (January 9 through June 7) has been a hindrance, obstruction, and distraction, in the view of CCL, to a more proper focus on principled abortion-ban legislation (like the RTL Act). God's requirement in the case of Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation ! (e.g., Romans 13:1-4, Genesis 9:6, Micah 6:8, Amos 5:15, Deut. 25:1). The SCCL website does not even mention the Right to Life Act of SC. As Oswald Chambers' devotional entitled "My Utmost For His Highest" says, in so many words: "Good" is the enemy of God's "best."
If you are a born-again Christian, please pray for passage of the RTL Act of SC in 2008. The Supreme Court said in Roe over 34 years ago that if legal 'personhood' was established for the fetus (pre-birth human being) without 'exception,' that the abortion argument would collapse. The RTL Act of SC does this very thing. Abortion could have been stopped 34 years ago.
"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."
Psalm 94:15
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary,
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250 / (803) 765-0916
May 30, 2007
SC House Republican leader delaying progress of Right to Life Act of SC to facilitate passage of Ultrasound bill during the 2007 Session
In an earlier April 29, 2007 report, it was reported that Rep. Delleney was blocking the progress of the Right to Life Act, and the question was raised whether or not he was still supporting the bill (H.3284). This report did not accurately reflect Rep. Delleney's position, and I apologize to Rep. Delleney for the error. I should have waited longer until Rep. Delleney had clarified his position, instead of sending out that report too hastily.
Republican Chairman of the House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester) has decided not to hold a public hearing on the RTL Act of SC (H.3284) until action is complete in the SC General Assembly on the Ultrasound bill (H.3355). The 2007 regular session ends June 7.
Once action is complete on the Ultrasound bill, Rep. Delleney has stated he will then sign on as a co-sponsor of the Right to Life Act of SC, and grant us a public hearing. The Ultrasound bill passed the House on March 22, and passed the Senate, amended, on May 17. The House then further amended the Senate version on May 24, but the Senate non-concurred on May 29. The House insisted on their amendment May 30, and appointed three members to a conference committee. So it appears the Ultrasound bill will continue to obstruct the RTL Act through the end of the regular 2007 Session. The net effect is that the public hearing for the RTL Act will not be held until the 2008 Session. This would be a delay of House action of nearly a year.
Meanwhile, the Senate version of the RTL Act (S.313), introduced January 23, will not be assigned to a Subcommittee by the Judiciary Chairman, Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston), until after the end of the regular 2007 Session on June 7.
The 2007 Republican-majority make-up of the SC Senate is 24 Republicans and 20 Democrats (with two vacant seats that had been occupied by Republicans).
These are the five members (3 Rep's, 2 Dem's) of the SC House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee:
Representative F. Gregory "Greg" Delleney, Jr., ( R ) District 43 - Chester & York Cos.
Representative Thad T. Viers, ( R ) District 68 - Horry Co.
(presently is a co-sponsor of H.3284, the RTL Act of SC)
Representative James H. Harrison, ( R ) District 75 - Richland Co.
Representative Creighton B. Coleman, ( D ) District 41 - Chester & Fairfield Cos.
Representative Fletcher N. Smith, Jr., ( D ) District 23 - Greenville Co.
The 2007 Republican-majority make-up of the SC House is 73 Republicans and 51 Democrats.
The Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284) presently has 34 co-sponsors in the SC House.
2005 Background:
H.3213 - Right to Life Act of SC - 2005/2006 Legislative Session, with 52 co-sponsors in the SC House
Report on Right to Life Act of SC (H.3213) passing Constitutional Laws Subcommittee on March 31, 2005:
'Take Action to Pass the RTL Act of SC' - April 1, 2005
South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion (SC House bill H.3213)
On Thursday, March 31, the RTL Act of SC (H.3213) passed the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, on a 3 - 0 vote ! Rep’s Delleney, F.N. Smith, and Hagood voted for the bill. Rep. Harrison abstained. (Rep. Coleman was not present.)
Report on Right to Life Act of SC (H.3213) passing the full Judiciary Committee on April 5, 2005:
'Take Action to Pass the RTL Act of SC' - April 7, 2005
South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion (SC House bill H.3213)
On Tuesday, April 5, the RTL Act of SC (H.3213) passed the House Judiciary Committee on a 15 - 5 vote ! We give praise and all glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for the bill’s progress !
To listen to the audio recording of the April 5, 2005 full House Judiciary Committee debate on H.3213, when Rep. Delleney articulately explained and defended the Right to Life Act of SC, go to the home page of and click on:
SC House Judiciary Committee, April 5, 2005 - H.3213
Following debate, bill passed favorably by vote of 15 - 5 (roll call)
The Attorney General of SC Legal Opinion dated March 30, 2005 stated the Right to Life Act of SC is constitutional on its face, though would have to be adjudicated if applied to abortion. To see the SC A/G's written opinion, go to # 23 on the 'RTL Act of SC' page of
Legal Opinion (2005) of South Carolina Attorney General on the Right to Life Act of SC
"Accordingly, it is our opinion that the Right to Life Act is constitutional."
On the floor of the SC House on April 13, 2005, to the surprise of Columbia Christians for Life and Voice of the Unborn, a 'fatal flaw' rape exception amendment for the so-called 'morning-after pill' was added. The bill passed the full SC House by a vote of 95 - 18 on April 13, 2005 with the rape exception amendment.
As explained in the Roe v Wade decision itself over 34 years ago, exceptions to "personhood" undermine the legal concept and strategy of fetal "personhood." The 1973 Roe text clearly stated that if fetal personhood was established, then the abortion argument would collapse. This is why the rape exception amendment added on the SC House floor was therefore a "fatal flaw" to the bill. As the Roe decision explained in a footnote by pro-abort Roe author Justice Harry Blackmun, there can be no 'exceptions' to the assertion of fetal personhood. In other words, when it comes to banning abortion, 'exceptions' to personhood are unconstitutional. See quotes from 1973 Roe decision, and links to Roe decision at:
"Good" is the enemy of God's "best": the Ultrasound bill versus the Right to Life Act of SC
The Right to Life Act of SC was first introduced in both the SC House and SC Senate in February 1998. The Ultrasound bill on the other hand, is the latest in a long string of incrementalist, abortion-regulation bills, supported by the National Right to Life state chapter, SC Citizens for Life (, going back at least 17 years to 1990. In a very real, practical sense, the Ultrasound bill during the 2007 SC Legislative Session (January 9 through June 7) has been a hindrance, obstruction, and distraction, in the view of CCL, to a more proper focus on principled abortion-ban legislation (like the RTL Act). God's requirement in the case of Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation ! (e.g., Romans 13:1-4, Genesis 9:6, Micah 6:8, Amos 5:15, Deut. 25:1). The SCCL website does not even mention the Right to Life Act of SC. As Oswald Chambers' devotional entitled "My Utmost For His Highest" says, in so many words: "Good" is the enemy of God's "best."
If you are a born-again Christian, please pray for passage of the RTL Act of SC in 2008. The Supreme Court said in Roe over 34 years ago that if legal 'personhood' was established for the fetus (pre-birth human being) without 'exception,' that the abortion argument would collapse. The RTL Act of SC does this very thing. Abortion could have been stopped 34 years ago.
"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."
Psalm 94:15
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary,
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250 / (803) 765-0916
May 30, 2007
May 29, 2007
VOICE OF THE UNBORN & Columbia Christians for Life
“Lo: children are an heritage of the Lord:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward. ” Psalm 127:3
“… I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, May 25, 2007
Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn, ph. (803) 731-0062
Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life, ph. (803) 765-0916
Thursday, May 31, 2007
11:00 AM
First Floor, SC State House
End of 2007 SC Legislative session report on:
1. the “Right to Life Act of South Carolina” H.3284 / S.313
2. the Unborn Children’s Monument memorial H.3273
Columbia Christians for Life & Voice of the Unborn are having a joint news conference on May 31, 2007 (next to last week of regular 2007 Legislative session) to give a report on the current status of the Right to Life Act of South Carolina (H.3284 / S.313) and the Unborn Children’s Monument memorial (H.3273) as the 2007 SC Legislative session comes to an end on June 7. The news conference will be at 11:00 AM inside our State House, on the first floor, right outside the Governor’s office.
Supporters are being invited to come and please stand with us to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. We are seeking to defend the precious lives of our unborn children and make abortion illegal in SC through the Right to Life Act of SC; and to memorialize and repent for the loss of over 317,000 children (1973-2005) destroyed already since 1973, by surgical abortion alone, through the Unborn Children’s Monument memorial.
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of Columbia Christians for Life and Voice of the Unborn to Establish Justice for the Unborn, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life:
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
Columbia Christians for Life (CCL)
(not tax deductible)
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL ministry donations to:
[contributions to CCL are not tax-deductible]
To donate to Voice of the Unborn, send checks (not tax deductible) to:
Voice of the Unborn
120 Amsterdam Drive, # G
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
April 09, 2007
Petition Campaign and E-mail Contact and Alert List initiated:
At the "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally in front of the SC State House on January 22, 2007, hosted jointly by Voice of the Unborn and Columbia Christians for Life, a campaign was initiated to gather names to Petition our SC Legislature and Governor to pass the Right to Life Act of SC, and outlaw abortion in our State. An E-mail Contact and Alert List was started as well.
To date, over 563 names from at least 11 identified churches have been collected in the ongoing Petition Campaign: (only one name per line counted)
Blacksburg - Lighthouse Baptist Church - 61 names
Boiling Springs - Gateway Baptist Church - 102 names
Cayce - Bethany Baptist Church - 13 names
- Gantt Street Baptist Church - 123 names
Columbia - Columbia World Outreach Church - 40 names
Darlington - Victory Baptist Church - 30 names
Gaston - Mount Pleasant Baptist Church - 27 names
Goose Creek - Open Door Bible Baptist Church - 30 names
Lexington - Beacon Baptist Church - 18 names
West Columbia - Joel Baptist Church - 19 names
York - Blessed Hope Baptist Church and School - 47 names
Plus, 53 names gathered at the January 22, 2007 at the "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally
Total: 10 cities/towns, 11 identified churches, over 563 names
Currently, a public hearing for the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284 / S.313) has not yet been scheduled in either the SC House or the SC Senate. The first presentation of these petitions is, Lord willing, expected to be at the public hearing for H.3284 before the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the SC House Judiciary Committee, on the 5th floor of the Blatt Building on the State House grounds at a future (hopefully soon) date.
So there is still time for residents of South Carolina to send in your petitions ! Most of the Petition lists and names so far have been from Independent Baptist churches and individuals. However other Christian evangelical churches and individuals can also help in this effort. The Petition simply reads:
To the South Carolina General Assembly and Governor for passage into law of the Right to Life Act of SC, and for the outlawing of the practice of abortion in our State.
The person collecting the names is then asked to mail the signed petitions to:
Columbia Christians for Life, PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250 (803-765-0916).
This will be an ongoing project until child-murder-by-abortion is outlawed by the South Carolina General Assembly and Governor of South Carolina.
Blank Petition forms can be downloaded from the internet:
Blank Form for PETITION for Right to Life Act of South Carolina (H.3284)
Blank E-mail Contact and Alert List forms can also be downloaded from the internet: (sign up for more frequent and timely updates)
Blank Form for E-MAIL CONTACT and ALERT LIST for future Pro-Life events and information
God's requirement in the case of Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation !
(Exodus 20:13, Micah 6:8, Romans 13:1-4)
Please help "Establish Justice" for pre-birth children as the Lord requires !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 765-0916
April 6, 2007
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:05:51 -0400
From: Columbia Christians for Life
Subject: "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House - 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House - 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade:
January 22, 2007
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House Monday, January 22, 2007, North Steps, SC State House, Columbia, SC
Jan. 22, 2007, Monday - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, 12 noon, North Steps, SC State House
34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Featuring Dr. Stan Craig, pastor, Choice Hills Baptist Church, Greenville Mr. Charles Butler, pastor, Souls Afire Baptist Church, Orangeburg Moderated by Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn, Columbia Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia

Mr. Johnny Gardner, Voice of the Unborn, addresses crowd of about 100,
mostly Christians from Independent Baptist churches, including several
pastors, from steps of SC State House (1/22/07)
"Anti-abortion protesters call for state to outlaw abortion"
(Columbia-AP) January 22, 2007 - Posted 3:10pm by Bryce Mursch
WIS TV10, Columbia, SC
"Anti-Abortion Protesters Call For State To Outlaw Abortion"
Monday January 22, 2007 4:18pm (AP)
ABC News TV4, Charleston, SC
"Protesters call on SC legislators to outlaw abortions"
(AP) Columbia, SC, 01.22.2007
WBT News Talk Radio, Charlotte, NC

Mr. Johnny Gardner, Voice of the Unborn, at the podium
on the north steps of the SC State House
Dr. Stan Craig, Mr. Charles Butler, Mr. Thomas Brookshire
standing to Johnny's right (1/22/07).
Speech at "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally - SC State House - Jan. 22, 2007
Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn
Speech on Right to Life Act of SC - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally - SC State House - Jan. 22, 2007
Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life

Dr. Stan Craig, pastor, Choice Hills Baptist Church (Greenville);
Mr. Steve Lefemine, director, Columbia Christians for Life;
Mr. Charles Butler, pastor, Souls Afire Baptist Church (Orangeburg);
Mr. Thomas Brookshire, pastor, Orangeburg Baptist Tabernacle;
Mr. Darrell Wilkins, pastor,Grace Baptist Church (Orangeburg).
"Protesters call on legislators to outlaw abortions"
Beaufort Gazette, Beaufort, SC
Published (on-line) Mon, Jan 22, 2007
(to be posted on-line at , click on "Events")
[Excerpts, highlighting emphasis added]
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Abortion foes rallied outside the Statehouse on Monday to call on South Carolina legislators to outlaw abortions on the anniversary of the case that made them legal. [sic]
"Today marks one of the darkest days our country has known," the Rev. Charles Butler, of Souls Afire Baptist Church in Orangeburg, said of the Roe v. Wade decision, handed down 34 years ago Monday.
He urged anti-abortion activists to get involved in government. "It is high time we take our government back from the infidels," Butler said.
Voice of the Unborn director Johnny Gardner said he fears God will destroy America for its sinfulness.
"Either we repent or, as a nation, we will parish," said Gardner, who's frequently seen inside the Statehouse carrying dolls and pushing strollers to protest abortion.
He criticized state senators for letting a bill dubbed the "Right to Life Act," which cleared the South Carolina House in 2005, die in committee. The bill, which would extend legal rights to fertilization, was reintroduced in the House last week.
Gardner also asked lawmakers to approve a monument on Statehouse grounds recognizing fetuses aborted in South Carolina to "express sorrow, remorse, repentance."
Steve LeFemine [correction: Lefemine], of Columbia Christians for Life, called abortion "evil" and said South Carolina should lead the nation in testing Roe v. Wade.
"You know who's behind abortion? Satan himself," shouted the Rev. Stan Craig of Choice Hills Baptist Church in Greenville. "Our American flag has been turned into a bloody butcher's apron. ... Our American flag is dripping with the blood of innocent children."
(Rally also reported in the Island Packet, Hilton Head Island, SC (on-line) January 22, 2007; and, "Protesters urge legislators to outlaw abortions" (AP), The Times and Democrat, Orangeburg, SC (print edition) January 23, 2007)
Contact Information for key South Carolina state government officials
- ask them to publicly support passage of the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284) to ban abortion in SC
Governor Mark Sanford (R) - Office of the SC Governor, SC State House, First Floor
Senator Glenn McConnell (Senate Judiciary Comm. chairman),
District 41, Charleston County
Representative Bobby Harrell, Jr. (House Speaker),
District 114 - Charleston & Dorchester Cos.
Senator Jim Ritchie, Jr. (Senate Judiciary Subcommittee chairman),
District 13 - Greenville, Spartanburg & Union Cos.
Blank Form for PETITION for Right to Life Act of South Carolina (H.3284)
Blank Form for E-MAIL CONTACT and ALERT LIST for future Pro-Life events and information
Upcoming Events in January 2007 to Establish Justice for the Unborn:
Jan. 16, 2007, Tuesday - News Conference, 11:45 am, First Floor Lobby, SC State House
Jan. 21, 2007, Sunday - Outdoor Worship Service, Repentance for Bloodguilt, 2:30 - 3:30 pm, South Steps, SC State House
Jan. 22, 2007, Monday - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, 12 noon, North Steps, SC State House
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House, 12 noon, January 22, 2007
Voice of the Unborn, Johnny Gardner, Director - Letter
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 765-0916
April 5, 2007 / Revised April 9, 2007
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of Voice of the Unborn or Columbia Christians for Life, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Voice of the Unborn (not tax deductible):
Please make checks to:
"Voice of the Unborn"
120 Amsterdam Drive, #G
Columbia, SC 29210
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life ministry expenses (not tax deductible):
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
"Columbia Christians for Life"
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL ministry donations to:
At the "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally in front of the SC State House on January 22, 2007, hosted jointly by Voice of the Unborn and Columbia Christians for Life, a campaign was initiated to gather names to Petition our SC Legislature and Governor to pass the Right to Life Act of SC, and outlaw abortion in our State. An E-mail Contact and Alert List was started as well.
To date, over 563 names from at least 11 identified churches have been collected in the ongoing Petition Campaign: (only one name per line counted)
Blacksburg - Lighthouse Baptist Church - 61 names
Boiling Springs - Gateway Baptist Church - 102 names
Cayce - Bethany Baptist Church - 13 names
- Gantt Street Baptist Church - 123 names
Columbia - Columbia World Outreach Church - 40 names
Darlington - Victory Baptist Church - 30 names
Gaston - Mount Pleasant Baptist Church - 27 names
Goose Creek - Open Door Bible Baptist Church - 30 names
Lexington - Beacon Baptist Church - 18 names
West Columbia - Joel Baptist Church - 19 names
York - Blessed Hope Baptist Church and School - 47 names
Plus, 53 names gathered at the January 22, 2007 at the "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally
Total: 10 cities/towns, 11 identified churches, over 563 names
Currently, a public hearing for the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284 / S.313) has not yet been scheduled in either the SC House or the SC Senate. The first presentation of these petitions is, Lord willing, expected to be at the public hearing for H.3284 before the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the SC House Judiciary Committee, on the 5th floor of the Blatt Building on the State House grounds at a future (hopefully soon) date.
So there is still time for residents of South Carolina to send in your petitions ! Most of the Petition lists and names so far have been from Independent Baptist churches and individuals. However other Christian evangelical churches and individuals can also help in this effort. The Petition simply reads:
To the South Carolina General Assembly and Governor for passage into law of the Right to Life Act of SC, and for the outlawing of the practice of abortion in our State.
The person collecting the names is then asked to mail the signed petitions to:
Columbia Christians for Life, PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250 (803-765-0916).
This will be an ongoing project until child-murder-by-abortion is outlawed by the South Carolina General Assembly and Governor of South Carolina.
Blank Petition forms can be downloaded from the internet:
Blank Form for PETITION for Right to Life Act of South Carolina (H.3284)
Blank E-mail Contact and Alert List forms can also be downloaded from the internet: (sign up for more frequent and timely updates)
Blank Form for E-MAIL CONTACT and ALERT LIST for future Pro-Life events and information
God's requirement in the case of Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation !
(Exodus 20:13, Micah 6:8, Romans 13:1-4)
Please help "Establish Justice" for pre-birth children as the Lord requires !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 765-0916
April 6, 2007
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:05:51 -0400
From: Columbia Christians for Life
Subject: "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House - 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House - 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade:
January 22, 2007
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House Monday, January 22, 2007, North Steps, SC State House, Columbia, SC
Jan. 22, 2007, Monday - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, 12 noon, North Steps, SC State House
34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Featuring Dr. Stan Craig, pastor, Choice Hills Baptist Church, Greenville Mr. Charles Butler, pastor, Souls Afire Baptist Church, Orangeburg Moderated by Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn, Columbia Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia

Mr. Johnny Gardner, Voice of the Unborn, addresses crowd of about 100,
mostly Christians from Independent Baptist churches, including several
pastors, from steps of SC State House (1/22/07)
"Anti-abortion protesters call for state to outlaw abortion"
(Columbia-AP) January 22, 2007 - Posted 3:10pm by Bryce Mursch
WIS TV10, Columbia, SC
"Anti-Abortion Protesters Call For State To Outlaw Abortion"
Monday January 22, 2007 4:18pm (AP)
ABC News TV4, Charleston, SC
"Protesters call on SC legislators to outlaw abortions"
(AP) Columbia, SC, 01.22.2007
WBT News Talk Radio, Charlotte, NC

Mr. Johnny Gardner, Voice of the Unborn, at the podium
on the north steps of the SC State House
Dr. Stan Craig, Mr. Charles Butler, Mr. Thomas Brookshire
standing to Johnny's right (1/22/07).
Speech at "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally - SC State House - Jan. 22, 2007
Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn
Speech on Right to Life Act of SC - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally - SC State House - Jan. 22, 2007
Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life

Dr. Stan Craig, pastor, Choice Hills Baptist Church (Greenville);
Mr. Steve Lefemine, director, Columbia Christians for Life;
Mr. Charles Butler, pastor, Souls Afire Baptist Church (Orangeburg);
Mr. Thomas Brookshire, pastor, Orangeburg Baptist Tabernacle;
Mr. Darrell Wilkins, pastor,Grace Baptist Church (Orangeburg).
"Protesters call on legislators to outlaw abortions"
Beaufort Gazette, Beaufort, SC
Published (on-line) Mon, Jan 22, 2007
(to be posted on-line at , click on "Events")
[Excerpts, highlighting emphasis added]
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Abortion foes rallied outside the Statehouse on Monday to call on South Carolina legislators to outlaw abortions on the anniversary of the case that made them legal. [sic]
"Today marks one of the darkest days our country has known," the Rev. Charles Butler, of Souls Afire Baptist Church in Orangeburg, said of the Roe v. Wade decision, handed down 34 years ago Monday.
He urged anti-abortion activists to get involved in government. "It is high time we take our government back from the infidels," Butler said.
Voice of the Unborn director Johnny Gardner said he fears God will destroy America for its sinfulness.
"Either we repent or, as a nation, we will parish," said Gardner, who's frequently seen inside the Statehouse carrying dolls and pushing strollers to protest abortion.
He criticized state senators for letting a bill dubbed the "Right to Life Act," which cleared the South Carolina House in 2005, die in committee. The bill, which would extend legal rights to fertilization, was reintroduced in the House last week.
Gardner also asked lawmakers to approve a monument on Statehouse grounds recognizing fetuses aborted in South Carolina to "express sorrow, remorse, repentance."
Steve LeFemine [correction: Lefemine], of Columbia Christians for Life, called abortion "evil" and said South Carolina should lead the nation in testing Roe v. Wade.
"You know who's behind abortion? Satan himself," shouted the Rev. Stan Craig of Choice Hills Baptist Church in Greenville. "Our American flag has been turned into a bloody butcher's apron. ... Our American flag is dripping with the blood of innocent children."
(Rally also reported in the Island Packet, Hilton Head Island, SC (on-line) January 22, 2007; and, "Protesters urge legislators to outlaw abortions" (AP), The Times and Democrat, Orangeburg, SC (print edition) January 23, 2007)
Contact Information for key South Carolina state government officials
- ask them to publicly support passage of the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284) to ban abortion in SC
Governor Mark Sanford (R) - Office of the SC Governor, SC State House, First Floor
Senator Glenn McConnell (Senate Judiciary Comm. chairman),
District 41, Charleston County
Representative Bobby Harrell, Jr. (House Speaker),
District 114 - Charleston & Dorchester Cos.
Senator Jim Ritchie, Jr. (Senate Judiciary Subcommittee chairman),
District 13 - Greenville, Spartanburg & Union Cos.
Blank Form for PETITION for Right to Life Act of South Carolina (H.3284)
Blank Form for E-MAIL CONTACT and ALERT LIST for future Pro-Life events and information
Upcoming Events in January 2007 to Establish Justice for the Unborn:
Jan. 16, 2007, Tuesday - News Conference, 11:45 am, First Floor Lobby, SC State House
Jan. 21, 2007, Sunday - Outdoor Worship Service, Repentance for Bloodguilt, 2:30 - 3:30 pm, South Steps, SC State House
Jan. 22, 2007, Monday - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, 12 noon, North Steps, SC State House
"JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, SC State House, 12 noon, January 22, 2007
Voice of the Unborn, Johnny Gardner, Director - Letter
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 765-0916
April 5, 2007 / Revised April 9, 2007
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of Voice of the Unborn or Columbia Christians for Life, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Voice of the Unborn (not tax deductible):
Please make checks to:
"Voice of the Unborn"
120 Amsterdam Drive, #G
Columbia, SC 29210
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life ministry expenses (not tax deductible):
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
"Columbia Christians for Life"
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL ministry donations to:
March 24, 2007
Take Action to Pass the RTL Act of SC - S.313, SC Senate
- March 24, 2007
Right to Life Act of SC - "Personhood" for all humans at fertilization
South Carolina's Senate pro-life bill to end (not just incrementally 'regulate') "legalized" abortion (SC Senate bill S.313) - now with nine co-sponsors
Please contact your SC Senate member to sign on as a co-sponsor as soon as possible if he (she) is not already one of the nine listed below:
S. 313 - the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina"
Sponsors: Senators Fair, Bryant, Verdin, Hayes, O'Dell, Thomas, McGill, Vaughn and Ryberg
(8 R's, 1 D)
S.313, SC Senate, the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina" with current sponsors can be seen at:
Bill History
This bill has been continuously filed in the South Carolina House of Representatives since 1998, and has been filed in the South Carolina Senate first in 1998, and then, 2005, 2006, and 2007. For the first time, it passed the House of Representatives on April 13, 2005 by a vote of 95-18 (95 'Yes' - 66 R's + 29 D's versus 18 'No' - 1 R + 17 D's), albeit with a fatal flaw rape 'exception' amendment which had been proposed by a Representative who is now no longer a member of the SC House. The bill had 52 co-sponsors (47 R's, 5 D's) before this vote on Second Reading.
[Interesting historical footnote: Union forces occupying Fort Sumter in Charleston (SC) harbor surrendered on April 13, 1861 after a day and a half of bombardment by Confederate artillery.]
Then after two Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearings (with no vote) in May 2005, the bill was stalled there in Chairman Senator Jim Ritchie's (R-Spartanburg) subcommittee the short remainder of the 2005 Legislative Session, and then the entire January thru June 2006 session, killing the bill:
SC's Republican-majority State Senate kills the SC baby-killing ban bill
South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion (House bill H.3213 / Senate bill S.111)
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC House (74 R's to 50 D's).
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC Senate (26 R's to 20 D's).
The Republicans in South Carolina occupy the Governor's office, the Lt. Governor's office,and the Attorney General's office.
Please contact your SC Senate member to sign on as a co-sponsor to S.313 as soon as possible if he (she) is not already one of the nine listed above,...
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC Senate (25 R's to 20 D's, and1 vacancy) at this time in 2007
Remaining 17 Republicans in the SC Senate who are not co-sponsors of S.313 thus far in 2007, are:
Thomas Alexander, Ray Cleary, Ronnie Cromer, Chip Campsen, John Courson, Larry Grooms, Greg Gregory, John Hawkins, Jake Knotts, Hugh Leatherman, Larry Martin, Glenn McConnell, Bill Mescher, Harvey Peeler, Luke Rankin, Jim Ritchie and Randy Scott
(17 R's)
Only one Democrat is a co-sponsor of S.313 at this time;
the remaining 19 Democrats who are not co-sponsors of S.313 thus far in 2007, are:
Ralph Anderson, Dick Elliott, John Drummond, Robert Ford, Darrell Jackson,** John Land, Phil Leventis, Brad Hutto, Joel Lourie, Gerald Malloy, John Matthews, Tom Moore, Kay Patterson, Clementa Pinckney,** Glenn Reese, Vincent Sheheen, Nikki Setzler, Linda Short, and Kent Williams
(19 R's)
** Jackson and Pinckney are church ministers
Fax all SC Senate members at 803-212-6299 (include Senator's name);
Other contact information for SC Senators at:
Ask all Senators to co-sponsor S.313 and pass the bill.
Phone calls and letters and personal visits are most effective; then fax; then e-mail.
If you would like your letter or note to be hand-delivered to the Senator, you may go to the Second Floor lobby of the SC State House in Columbia anytime the Legislature is meeting ('in session'), fill out and attach a small lobbying memo form available at the desk outside the Senate chamber, and turn in your memo to be delivered to your Senator at his (her) desk in the Senate chamber.
If you need help identifying and/or finding out the contact information for your SC Senate member, you may call the Columbia Christians for Life office for help at: (803) 765-0916 -please have the number of your SC Senate District (off your voter registration card, or find out from your County Voter Registration office) handy before calling the CCL office.
Please also call Republican Governor Mark Sanford, who did absolutely nothing during his first four-year term of office as governor (Jan. 2003 thru Jan. 2007) to publicly give his support to the Right to Life Act of SC. Ask Governor Sanford to do his second highest duty, that of preventing the shedding of innocent blood in our state, and to use his influence and the 'bully pulpit' of his office, to help pass the Right to Life Act (phone 803-734-2100, fax 803-734-0546 and fax 803-734-9413). Ask him to expend some of his 'political capital' in saving the lives of unborn babies from death !
Text of SC Senate bill S.313, the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina"
Link is also to become available on the Home Page of (CCL website)
S. 313
General Bill
Sponsors: Senators Fair, Bryant, Verdin, Hayes, O'Dell, Thomas, McGill, Vaughn and Ryberg
Introduced in the Senate on January 23, 2007
Currently residing in the Senate Committee on Judiciary
Summary: Right to Life Act
Date Body Action Description with journal page number
1/23/2007 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-6
1/23/2007 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-6
Whereas, the General Assembly, under Article III, Section 1A of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, 1895, is empowered to assemble to make new laws, as the common good may require; and
Whereas, Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, 1895, guarantees that no person may be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied the equal protection of the laws; and
Whereas, the General Assembly in the exercise of its constitutional powers and in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under the law finds it necessary and proper to ensure that the rights of its citizens extend to each newly born and preborn human person. Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. Title 1, Chapter 1 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
"Article 5
Section 1-1-310. This article may be cited as the 'Right to Life Act of South Carolina'.
Section 1-1-320. The right to due process, whereby no person may be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, and the right to equal protection of the laws, both of which rights are guaranteed by Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of this State, vest at fertilization."
SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
This web page was last updated on March 14, 2007 at 11:29 AM
S.313, the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina" with current sponsors can be seen at:
- GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (12% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of February 1, 2007 (.doc file)
(CCL corrections: missing SC Senate bill S.313, filed January 23, 2007;
and CO Senate bill SB 143, introduced January 29, 2007)
- GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (12% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of February 1, 2007 (.htm file)
(CCL corrections: missing SC Senate bill S.313, filed January 23, 2007;
and CO Senate bill SB 143, introduced January 29, 2007)
Please help support the efforts of Columbia Christians for Life to pass legislation in the SC General Assembly to recognize the God-given humanity (created in His image) and legal "personhood" of all pre-birth human beings, at fertilization, to end "legalized" child-murder-by-abortion, and not just incessantly, incrementally, regulate this crime. God's answer to Murder is Justice ! Not just Regulation.
One of the important ways that you can help, in addition to contacting your SC Housemember as explained above, is to support Columbia Christians for Life financially.
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of CCL to take the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Truth to the "Gates" in South Carolina, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life:
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
Columbia Christians for Life (CCL)
(not tax deductible)
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL donations to: [contributions to CCL are not tax-deductible]
Right to Life Act of SC - "Personhood" for all humans at fertilization
South Carolina's Senate pro-life bill to end (not just incrementally 'regulate') "legalized" abortion (SC Senate bill S.313) - now with nine co-sponsors
Please contact your SC Senate member to sign on as a co-sponsor as soon as possible if he (she) is not already one of the nine listed below:
S. 313 - the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina"
Sponsors: Senators Fair, Bryant, Verdin, Hayes, O'Dell, Thomas, McGill, Vaughn and Ryberg
(8 R's, 1 D)
S.313, SC Senate, the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina" with current sponsors can be seen at:
Bill History
This bill has been continuously filed in the South Carolina House of Representatives since 1998, and has been filed in the South Carolina Senate first in 1998, and then, 2005, 2006, and 2007. For the first time, it passed the House of Representatives on April 13, 2005 by a vote of 95-18 (95 'Yes' - 66 R's + 29 D's versus 18 'No' - 1 R + 17 D's), albeit with a fatal flaw rape 'exception' amendment which had been proposed by a Representative who is now no longer a member of the SC House. The bill had 52 co-sponsors (47 R's, 5 D's) before this vote on Second Reading.
[Interesting historical footnote: Union forces occupying Fort Sumter in Charleston (SC) harbor surrendered on April 13, 1861 after a day and a half of bombardment by Confederate artillery.]
Then after two Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearings (with no vote) in May 2005, the bill was stalled there in Chairman Senator Jim Ritchie's (R-Spartanburg) subcommittee the short remainder of the 2005 Legislative Session, and then the entire January thru June 2006 session, killing the bill:
SC's Republican-majority State Senate kills the SC baby-killing ban bill
South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion (House bill H.3213 / Senate bill S.111)
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC House (74 R's to 50 D's).
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC Senate (26 R's to 20 D's).
The Republicans in South Carolina occupy the Governor's office, the Lt. Governor's office,and the Attorney General's office.
Please contact your SC Senate member to sign on as a co-sponsor to S.313 as soon as possible if he (she) is not already one of the nine listed above,...
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC Senate (25 R's to 20 D's, and1 vacancy) at this time in 2007
Remaining 17 Republicans in the SC Senate who are not co-sponsors of S.313 thus far in 2007, are:
Thomas Alexander, Ray Cleary, Ronnie Cromer, Chip Campsen, John Courson, Larry Grooms, Greg Gregory, John Hawkins, Jake Knotts, Hugh Leatherman, Larry Martin, Glenn McConnell, Bill Mescher, Harvey Peeler, Luke Rankin, Jim Ritchie and Randy Scott
(17 R's)
Only one Democrat is a co-sponsor of S.313 at this time;
the remaining 19 Democrats who are not co-sponsors of S.313 thus far in 2007, are:
Ralph Anderson, Dick Elliott, John Drummond, Robert Ford, Darrell Jackson,** John Land, Phil Leventis, Brad Hutto, Joel Lourie, Gerald Malloy, John Matthews, Tom Moore, Kay Patterson, Clementa Pinckney,** Glenn Reese, Vincent Sheheen, Nikki Setzler, Linda Short, and Kent Williams
(19 R's)
** Jackson and Pinckney are church ministers
Fax all SC Senate members at 803-212-6299 (include Senator's name);
Other contact information for SC Senators at:
Ask all Senators to co-sponsor S.313 and pass the bill.
Phone calls and letters and personal visits are most effective; then fax; then e-mail.
If you would like your letter or note to be hand-delivered to the Senator, you may go to the Second Floor lobby of the SC State House in Columbia anytime the Legislature is meeting ('in session'), fill out and attach a small lobbying memo form available at the desk outside the Senate chamber, and turn in your memo to be delivered to your Senator at his (her) desk in the Senate chamber.
If you need help identifying and/or finding out the contact information for your SC Senate member, you may call the Columbia Christians for Life office for help at: (803) 765-0916 -please have the number of your SC Senate District (off your voter registration card, or find out from your County Voter Registration office) handy before calling the CCL office.
Please also call Republican Governor Mark Sanford, who did absolutely nothing during his first four-year term of office as governor (Jan. 2003 thru Jan. 2007) to publicly give his support to the Right to Life Act of SC. Ask Governor Sanford to do his second highest duty, that of preventing the shedding of innocent blood in our state, and to use his influence and the 'bully pulpit' of his office, to help pass the Right to Life Act (phone 803-734-2100, fax 803-734-0546 and fax 803-734-9413). Ask him to expend some of his 'political capital' in saving the lives of unborn babies from death !
Text of SC Senate bill S.313, the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina"
Link is also to become available on the Home Page of (CCL website)
South Carolina General Assembly
117th Session, 2007-2008
S. 313
General Bill
Sponsors: Senators Fair, Bryant, Verdin, Hayes, O'Dell, Thomas, McGill, Vaughn and Ryberg
Introduced in the Senate on January 23, 2007
Currently residing in the Senate Committee on Judiciary
Summary: Right to Life Act
Date Body Action Description with journal page number
1/23/2007 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-6
1/23/2007 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-6
Whereas, the General Assembly, under Article III, Section 1A of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, 1895, is empowered to assemble to make new laws, as the common good may require; and
Whereas, Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, 1895, guarantees that no person may be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied the equal protection of the laws; and
Whereas, the General Assembly in the exercise of its constitutional powers and in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under the law finds it necessary and proper to ensure that the rights of its citizens extend to each newly born and preborn human person. Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. Title 1, Chapter 1 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
"Article 5
Right to Life
Section 1-1-310. This article may be cited as the 'Right to Life Act of South Carolina'.
Section 1-1-320. The right to due process, whereby no person may be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, and the right to equal protection of the laws, both of which rights are guaranteed by Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of this State, vest at fertilization."
SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
This web page was last updated on March 14, 2007 at 11:29 AM
S.313, the "Right to Life Act of South Carolina" with current sponsors can be seen at:
- GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (12% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of February 1, 2007 (.doc file)
(CCL corrections: missing SC Senate bill S.313, filed January 23, 2007;
and CO Senate bill SB 143, introduced January 29, 2007)
- GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (12% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of February 1, 2007 (.htm file)
(CCL corrections: missing SC Senate bill S.313, filed January 23, 2007;
and CO Senate bill SB 143, introduced January 29, 2007)
Please help support the efforts of Columbia Christians for Life to pass legislation in the SC General Assembly to recognize the God-given humanity (created in His image) and legal "personhood" of all pre-birth human beings, at fertilization, to end "legalized" child-murder-by-abortion, and not just incessantly, incrementally, regulate this crime. God's answer to Murder is Justice ! Not just Regulation.
One of the important ways that you can help, in addition to contacting your SC Housemember as explained above, is to support Columbia Christians for Life financially.
If you would like to support the ministry efforts of CCL to take the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Truth to the "Gates" in South Carolina, please consider sending a financial gift.
To donate to Columbia Christians for Life:
Two methods -
1. Please make checks to:
Columbia Christians for Life (CCL)
(not tax deductible)
P.O. Box 50358
Columbia, SC 29250
2. Or, if you are a PayPal member (, you may also send CCL donations to: [contributions to CCL are not tax-deductible]
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