Praise the Lord !
Four of the 5 Con Laws Subcomm. members were present, and the voice vote was 3 - 0 in support of reporting it out favorably from the subcommittee. One member abstained. The votes were as follows:
- Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester) - voted in favor (co-sponsor of H.3213)
- Rep. Fletcher Smith (D-Greenville) - voted in favor (made the actual motion favorable passage) (not yet signed up, but also planning to co-sponsor)
- Rep. Ben Hagood (R-Mt. Pleasant) - voted in favor
- Rep. Jim Harrison (R-Columbia) - abstained
- Rep. Creighton Coleman (D-Winnsboro) was not present.
We give all praise and glory to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for this first step of progress in moving the bill through the legislative process.
The next step, Lord willing, is the full House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. Jim Harrison. We do not know yet if H.3213, the RTL Act of SC,will be on the agenda at this next Judiciary Committee meeting or not. (You can call 803-734-3120 beginning tomorrow afternoon to find out.)
More information will be sent out later (probably late tomorrow).
If you support establishing justice for pre-birth human beings and ending child-murder-by-abortion, you can help with the ongoing lobbying effort, as we now move to focus on the 25 members (14 R's, 11 D's) of the full House Judiciary Committee.
Mathematically, we would need 13 co-sponsors to have a majority of the votes on the full Judiciary Committee. We picked up 3 more co-sponsors today who are members of the Judiciary Committee, so that we now have 10 co-sponsors (9 R's, 1 D) of the RTL Act of SC (H.3213) who are on the Judiciary Committee. We need THREE MORE co-sponsors ! There remains on the Judiciary Committee 5 other Republicans who are not co-sponsors at this time. Their names are:
- Rep. Alan Clemmons (R-Myrtle Beach)
- Rep. Benjamin Hagood (R-Mt. Pleasant) [though he did vote for the bill]
- Rep. Jim Harrison (R-Columbia) [he abstained today, but is now saying he will actually vote "for" the bill in the Judiciary Committee - which he chairs]
- Rep. Phil Sinclair (R-Spartanburg)
- Rep. Jim Stewart (R-Aiken)
The contact information will be sent out in the form of a "flyer" later, but those who wish to get started lobbying the five Republican Judiciary Committee members above (the bill could possibly come up before deliberation as early as next Tuesday, April 5) who have not yet signed on to the RTL Act of SC as co-sponsors, you may look up their e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses at the website URL below:
You may also write any Member of the House at:
You may also write any Member of the House at:
Post Office Box 11867
Columbia, S.C. 29211-1867
You may also fax any Member of the House at (make sure "To:" their name is included):
You can see the text of bill H.3213 from the homepage link at:
or go to SC Legislative website at:
where you can also see an up-to-date list of the bill co-sponsors
There are presently a total of 43 co-sponsors of the bill out of the 124-member SC House of Representatives actually listed on-line with the bill as of this report. The goal is to have 50. To have a "majority-plus-one" for assured passage of the bill in the full SC House (if, Lord willing, it passes the full Judiciary Committee), we would need 63 co-sponsors.
The 124-member SC House has 74 Republicans and 50 Democrats. So far there are 39 R's and 4 D's co-sponsoring H.3213).
So there remain 35 other Republicans in the SC House who are not yet co-sponsors, or over 47% of the Republicans in the SC House who are not co-sponsoring the RTL Act of SC (H.3213) at present.
If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, please pray for all 25 of the Judiciary Committee members: (Prov. 21:1)
More to come later after this preliminary report.
Hallelu-Yah !
March 31, 2005
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
CCL lobbyist
Columbia, SC
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